Sunday, March 29, 2009

LevelOne WNC-0301 - Followup

Good news!

It seems Ubuntu supports my card (LevelOne WNC-0301 PCI), I clicked on the NetworkManager applet icon the other day, and to my utter surprise, I saw my wireless network listed there :-)

Now I might not have to resort to a 32-bit installation, and lose 1GB of memory! (I got 5GB on my machine, and 32-bit operating systems support only up to 4GB).

There seems to be a problem with the reception, though. And I can't tell if it's the wireless adapter, or the router. I guess I have to set up my old router again, and compare.

Upgrade to Firefox 3.0.8 - Followup

Weird thing!

I logged out of my account this morning, after I saw the errors. But now, after logging in again, no more problem!
And as far as I can tell, all extensions are working just fine...

Upgrade to Firefox 3.0.8

Well, the latest update to Firefox kind of crapped up!
The message said something about XUL...

It seems to be confined to my account though, other accounts on the same computer seem fine. So it's probably has something to do with all the extensions I have installed on my account. More on that later.

For now, it's back to work!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

More Space!

I bought a 1TB hard drive this week, but didn't have time to install it yet (sooooo much fun at work!).

I'll be moving my /home tree to that drive - it's getting a bit too crowded on my main drive, and it's good to have /home on its own partition anyway! :-)